• development repository : GitHub
  • Composer repository : Packagist
  • Composer support issue : #16
  • Composer implementation pull request : #17
  • versioning : semantic
  • no dependencies


TLC Transients library is wrapper for the WordPress Transients API, which provides additional functionality for use in extensions.

Library was originally single monolithic file with class/function definitions and bootstrap code. For Composer support code was reorganized by breaking out definitions into individual files.

Since WordPress has own coding style convention for class and file naming, classmap autoload type in Composer is used to build class map via static scan on install. files autoload is additionally used to unconditionally include functions definition file.

Bootstrap code includes definitions explicitly (if Composer autoload is not used) and is fully compatible with non-Composer use.


    "name"       : "markjaquith/wp-tlc-transients",
    "description": "A WP transients interface with support for soft-expiration, background updating of the transients.",
    "keywords"   : ["wordpress", "cache"],
    "homepage"   : "https://github.com/markjaquith/WP-TLC-Transients",
    "license"    : "GPL-2.0+",
    "authors"    : [
            "name"    : "Mark Jaquith",
            "homepage": "http://markjaquith.com/"
    "support"    : {
        "issues": "https://github.com/markjaquith/WP-TLC-Transients/issues",
        "source": "https://github.com/markjaquith/WP-TLC-Transients"
    "autoload"   : {
        "classmap": ["class-tlc-transient.php", "class-tlc-transient-update-server.php"],
        "files"   : ["functions.php"]